Offers, Product Catalog and Factory Price List to Latest Distributor
"With Knowledge, Life becomes Easy,
With Art, Life becomes Beautiful
With Religion, Life becomes Focused"
{Nuky Rusianto / C. aRaval / H. aRmadi / NCH / KaizenMeiji, 1999}
"Saving Rich Base"
{Grand Master}
With Art, Life becomes Beautiful
With Religion, Life becomes Focused"
{Nuky Rusianto / C. aRaval / H. aRmadi / NCH / KaizenMeiji, 1999}
Financial institutions can be defined as an institution or business entity that offers services in the financial sector. Where this institution will later move in a way to raise funds from the public. In addition to collecting, they will also channel these funds for development projects
Lembaga Keuangan dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah lembaga atau badan usaha yang menawarkan jasa dalam bidang keuangan. Di mana lembaga ini nantinya akan bergerak dengan cara untuk menghimpun dana dari masyarakat. Selain menghimpun juga akan menyalurkan dana tersebut untuk proyek pembangunan
Our companies and or institutions do not provide loans or credits, both offline and online directly but give through the OFFICIAL BANK
Perusahaan dan atau Lembaga kami tidak memberikan pinjaman atau kredit,
baik offline maupun online secara langsung namun memberikan melalui pihak BANK RESMI
Electronic business (e-business) is a business transaction or information exchange that is run by using information and communication technology. E-business is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. This business provides an opportunity for companies to expand their sales worldwide and can significantly lower costs compared to paper transactions. It also facilitates value chain management (supply). Management accountants need to understand the advantages, risks, and business opportunities electronically. They also play an important role in providing relevant cost information in connection with this business. For example, managers may need to know the comparison between cost per transaction via electronic and paper-based cost per transaction.
Today, businesses are moving faster than ever. Changes in technology, communications, economic conditions, and the legal environment affect companies and management accountants in new ways. The management accountant must support management in all stages of business decision making. As accounting experts, they must be smart, available, keep up with the latest developments, and understand the habits and practices of all the countries in which their companies operate. They are expected to have knowledge of the legal environment of the business, particularly regarding the Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002.
Financial Statements will be periodically sent to Customers in the form of GIRO or Current Accounts
Monthly Fees for School Savings
Monthly account administration fee of IDR / Rp 15.000
Additional administration fees for balance below the minimum end of month balance of IDR / Rp 30.000
Administration fee for balance below the daily minimum balance of IDR / Rp. 50.000
Operational Costs for School Savings
Cash Deposit Fee Savings of Rp 0
Cost of Savings Withdrawal IDR / Rp 5.000
Savings Book Replacement Fee due to Damage IDR / Rp 5.000
Closed Savings Fee of IDR / Rp 5.000
Early Savings for School Savings
Minimum Initial Deposit of IDR / Rp 1.000.000
Average Affiliation dues/contributions/premiums just Rp 500.000 / Month 10 Years. Cash Claim Rp 60.000.000.
Property, Residential, Motor Vehicle, Cargo, Personal Accident & Health, Travel, Inpatient, Electronic Equipment, Money, Theft & Burglary, Engineering, Plant, Director's & Officer's Liability, Bonding / Guarantee.
"Saving Rich Base"
{Grand Master}
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